covid-19 teaches us about family

While we all cannot shelter-at-home as well as we all might wish to, shelter-as-home has reminded me of how important family is to me.

During this primary sheltering period, we have both children at home. Both are in college now and one mostly permanently lives a couple of hours away–a bit too far to drop by at the spur-of-the-moment. The other son will soon start a rigorous program that will not allow him to visit home very much for a few years.

I know there are a lot of bad things going on with covid-19 and many people are suffering. The burden is great. However, in spite of these burdens, there are moments of grace and joy. Having both children home again, eating dinner, watching a bit of the world on the internet, and gabbing about current issues/solving big problems reminds me that the health of the family is top-of-the-list important.

I’m glad they are safe. Parents cannot protect children forever, but we can always be supportive, encouraging, and committed to helping them succeed in life the way they want to succeed. Doing that during the pandemic reminds me of these simple ideas.

Now if we can just get them to clean up their dishes and wipe up the crumbs 🙂